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Hearing Aid Demonstration – Glasgow Exclusive

Many people in Glasgow struggle with their hearing. They find that they can’t hear their partner’s voice quite so well. They can’t hear the television very well and turn it up to make out what is being said; much to their friend and family’s annoyance. At Christmas, they feel sit at the dinner table either […]

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The Hearing Clinic UK Shortlisted for Family Business of the Year 2014

After a tremendous two years in business, Chris and Martin Stone have finally been acknowledged for their efforts in re-establishing The Hearing Clinic UK as a leader in the hearing industry. As a result of their strong focus on personal care and achieving the best possible results for their patients, they have each been nominated […]

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Ear Horn

How people coped with hearing loss in the past

Hearing loss in the past Hearing loss can be something that is very difficult to adjust to or deal with. Thankfully, today, many people are able to receive high-quality hearing instruments to help them retain some kind of hearing capacity. While this is an incredible luxury today, many people didn’t have this same option in […]

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Chris and Jean

How we cared for Jean after a traumatic experience

Everyone relies upon their hearing to continue their daily lives, but what happens when this sense is suddenly taken away from you? That is exactly what happened to Jean. Strolling through town, she was barged into by a group of boys. One of whom, hit her and knocked out her hearing aid while another tread […]

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Want to hear better? Study links hearing loss to your diet

Hearing loss and your diet The chances are that you have heard the expression before: “eat lots of carrots and you’ll be able to see in the dark”, but it’s not just your eyes that are affected by your diet. It has been found that what you eat can have a large impact upon your hearing. […]

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Does Hearing Loss Increase the Risk of Dementia?

Hearing loss in our daily lives Hearing loss affects many people in their daily lives. It causes them to misunderstand their friends and family, misinterpret when they should meet people for appointments and create difficulty in simple tasks like answering the phone. Together, these items result in a dulling down of the experiences that can […]

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Three Famous People with Hearing Loss (and how they dealt with it)

Although many people look up to them as superstars, famous people have problems with their hearing too. Long exposure to excessive noise or a simple ear infection has caused them hearing difficulties which have affected their lives. Have a read at three famous people who have needed their hearing addressed. Pete Townshend, Guitarist for The […]

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Introduction to The Hearing Clinic UK Video

The Hearing Clinic UK specialises in hearing loss treatments using state of the art hearing aids, treating tinnitus related issues, ear wax removal using microsuctioning and other hearing related issues.

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Charitable hearing aid work: ENT for Zambia

We do our best to make a huge impact to peoples’ lives by providing the latest technological advances to our patients, be that ear wax microsuction treatments, tinnitus treatments or our high-tech hearing devices that have all sorts of fancy features associated with them.

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Seeking Hearing Aid Audiologists

Calling all HCPC registered hearing aid audiologists in Scotland.   We are continuing to grow at a rapid pace and are looking for experienced HCPC registered hearing aid audiologists to join the team. If you are motivated by a passion to help your patients and love working in a team The Hearing Clinic UK would […]

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