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Young child pointing at their ear

Understanding Glue Ear: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

What is Glue Ear? Glue ear, is a common condition in children where the middle ear fills with a sticky fluid, leading to hearing loss. This can significantly affect a child’s speech and language development, often without obvious symptoms, hence the term ‘silent syndrome. Causes of Glue Ear Glue ear can result from various factors, […]

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Hearing-impaired teacher saying "Hello" using sign language in the classroom, AI-generated.

Step into the Jungle: Classroom Hurdles and the Significance of a Solid Signal-to-Noise Ratio

The classroom can sound like a bustling jungle! All those noises can turn our learning adventures into challenging quests for our little explorers. But fear not! We know how vital it is to create the perfect learning habitat for our young adventurers. Now, let’s uncover the three sneaky culprits making it hard to hear in […]

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Simple Ways to Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe and Sound

Losing your hearing aid can be frustrating and inconvenient, but with some proactive strategies, you can minimize the risk of misplacing your valuable devices. One of our patients Kathleen reflects on her own experience: “I misplaced my hearing aids on the day before my daughter’s wedding of all days! I think people don’t understand how […]

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Unlocking Cognitive Potential: How Hearing Aids Can Enhance Brain Function

In the quest to understand cognitive health, researchers have uncovered a crucial link between hearing loss and dementia. At The Hearing Clinic UK, we delve into this connection and explore how addressing hearing loss could potentially mitigate the risk of dementia. In recent years, researchers have been uncovering surprising connections between hearing loss and cognitive […]

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Womn smiling with the World Health Organisation Logo and the title Changing mindsets

Amplifying Awareness: Supporting World Hearing Day 2024

In a world filled with bustling streets, lively conversations, and melodious tunes, the gift of hearing enriches our lives in profound ways. Yet, for millions worldwide, hearing loss poses a significant challenge, often overshadowed by its silent nature. As we embrace World Hearing Day 2024, it’s imperative to amplify awareness, advocate for accessible healthcare, and […]

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Image annoucing the launch of the Oticon Intent earing Aids against a black background

Introducing the latest in Hearing Aid Innovation: Oticon Intent

In the fast-evolving world of hearing aid technology, Oticon has once again taken a significant leap forward with the launch of Oticon Intent. This cutting-edge device, available at The Hearing Clinic UK, represents a revolutionary approach to addressing individual listening needs through sensor-driven capabilities.   Oticon Intent marks a pivotal moment in the realm of […]

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Background professional gamer playing tournaments online games computer with headphones, red and blue.

Gaming and Hearing Health: Understanding the Risks and Protecting Your Hearing

In today’s digital age, gaming has become an integral part of many people’s lives, offering entertainment and excitement. However, recent research has shed light on a concerning trend – prolonged exposure to high sound levels during gaming sessions may pose a risk to players’ hearing health. As advocates for auditory wellness, The Hearing Clinic UK […]

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Discover the Latest in Hearing Aid Innovation: ReSound Nexia

In an era where technological advancements are constantly reshaping our lives, it’s imperative that every individual, regardless of their hearing abilities, has access to cutting-edge solutions that enhance their quality of life. Enter ReSound Nexia – a groundbreaking innovation in the realm of hearing aids, promising not just improved hearing, but a transformational auditory experience. […]

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Promotional Image for Tinnitus Week 2024

Cut through the Noise: Tinnitus Awareness Week 2024

  It is Tinnitus Awareness Week 2024! This week, we aim to shed light on a condition that affects millions worldwide. Tinnitus is not just a ringing in the ears; it’s a complex and often misunderstood condition that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore what tinnitus is, its effects […]

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grandparent and granddaughter on ipad tablet

Bluetooth Hearing Aids: Connect Better

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Bluetooth has become a household name. However, the advancements in Bluetooth hearing aids have truly transformed the way we experience sound in our daily lives. Picture this: effortlessly taking phone calls with loved ones, immersing yourself in your favourite songs, or catching up on the latest TV shows – […]

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