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High-Quality Hearing Aid Batteries

Ran out of batteries or lost them? Fill out our easy form to order new batteries.

Most Common Battery Types

Size 10 (yellow)
Size 13 (orange)
Size 312 (brown)

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The most common battery types are size 10, size 13 and size 312. They come in a box which contains 10 sleeves – 6 batteries per sleeve – for £35. Or, alternatively, you can purchase an additional sleeve at £4.

Tips to get the most out of your hearing aid batteries

1.Let the battery breathe.

Once removing the sticker on the battery, let it rest for 3-5 minutes to allow for air to reach the materials inside the battery, helping to activate it.

2.Make sure your hands are clean.

When handling your hearing device or its batteries, it is crucial that your hands are clean. If you are working with hands that haven’t been cleaned or are dirty, you can damage both the hearing aid and clog the air pores in the batteries.

3.Store them properly.

Batteries should be kept away from extreme temperatures, as this can shorten its life. It is best to keep them in a cool, dry place at room temperature.

4.Don’t remove the plastic tab until you are ready to use the battery.

Once the plastic tab that comes with your battery is removed, it begins to lose its energy and will not be at a full level by the time you use it.

If you decide to go for H4L (Hear For Life) then all batteries for your hearing devices will be included over a 5 year period. If you decide to go for the self managed aftercare, then you will have to purchase your batteries when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fill in our easy form to order your batteries, alternatively if you need help or are struggling with the form, you can call one of our team members on 0333 320 7788.

Your audiologist will have told you what batteries are needed for your device, and the handbook that comes with your device will also say. However, if still uncertain, you can call one of our team on 0333 320 7788 and we will do our best to help.

We recommend recycling your old hearing aid batteries. Locations such as supermarkets, recycling points and shopping centres usually have battery recycling points.
Order Batteries

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Please contact our experienced team to find out how we can help. You can contact us through our online form and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

Alternatively, you can contact us via phone on:


24 St Vincent Place

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