Common Mistakes when buying hearing aids – 7. Purchasing on price onlyBy far this is the most important part of our guide, and why we saved this section for last. Just like mum used to say, “You get what you pay for”.
We began this guide by saying you should view your hearing aid as an investment in yourself. An investment that will pay dividends to you with new levels of happiness, energy, quality-of-life and improved emotional and physical state.As an industry, we perpetuate the myth that a basic digital set will solve all. At most, a £300 hearing aid will provide an adequate increase in amplification in a quiet surrounding, but it will only be comfortable for a very short period of time.Click Here To Download Your Free E-bookRegardless of what the warranty says, the sound quality of a £300 hearing aid will be very poor in a complex and noisy environment. It will no doubt ‘last’ the warranty period of 2 to 5 years. But warranties simply cover workmanship and materials, not clarity and quality of sound. Don’t mistake the length of the warranty to be the same as the success in terms of hearing quality.After all, a hearing aid contains components that will eventually wear out. It’s the components’ quality that dictates just how long it takes to start feeling that wear and tear.

Additionally, enquire with retailers about what type of financing offers they have available. Often times you can spread out your purchase over a period of 3 or 4 years. This takes some of the “bite” out of your up front cost.

Stepping into a higher quality achieves not only better clarity of sound and more comfort, but longer lasting clarity and comfort. With everything we need to accomplish each day, and the stresses it puts on our bodies. The question really should be, “Can you afford not to hear well?”Download your free e-book to find out more about the 7 common mistakes people make when purchasing hearing aids:[uncode_block id=”51138″ inside_column=”yes”]

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